At the dinner you can place bids in a silent auction, to support the Historical Society. Auction items will include the creations of Oktoberfest craft vendors. Also during the evening, we’ll update you on the capital improvement project of the CCHS Museum and other plans for the upcoming year.
New display cases will begin arriving mid-November, and the collection galleries will be repainted and get new carpet.
The new cases are designed to exhibit at least 50 percent more artifacts than the museum’s current display cases, in the same amount of floor space, Ogden says. And they will provide visitors a better view of the museum’s collection. Updated interpretive exhibit signage will also enhance visitors’ experience. Earlier this year, in preparation for the improvements, the museum’s research and volunteer work area was moved from the first floor, by the entrance, to the second floor. This provides more exhibit space on the first floor. Electrical work upstairs will accommodate new computers and workstations, where volunteers and the public (by appointment) will conduct research. The work area will also include a new copier and printer, which, among other tasks, will be used to create new interpretive panels for exhibits. The second-floor area will also be available for meetings and programs. Several changes will be made to the layout of the museum’s first floor:
The OFCC oversees capital improvement funds appropriated by the General Assembly for planning, construction, renovation and expansion projects at Ohio's theaters, museums, arts education facilities, historical sites, and publicly-owned professional sports venues.
About the Champaign County Historical Society
The Historical Society museum collects, preserves, and interprets artifacts, documents, and other resources from Champaign County to educate current and future generations about our history. The museum has been located at 809 East Lawn Ave., Urbana, since 1972. Originally established in 1934, the museum first housed its collection at the former location of the Champaign County Library on West Market Street, and then moved to the Nutwood Barn, south of Grimes Field on North Main Street. The museum is open to the public 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Friday and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday. Photo caption: This photo, of the Indian Hunter sculpture at John Quincy Adams Ward’s Oak Dale Cemetery gravesite, is from the William “Bill” Whitman photography collection in the Champaign County Historical Society’s archives. To enable our staff and volunteers to move exhibits from the upstairs area, and to move the workspace upstairs, the museum will be closed starting December 11th. We will reopen on January 28, 2024, for our annual meeting.
We are sorry for any inconvenience this might cause and look forward to seeing everyone in the new year! The annual Christmas dinner will be held Dec. 10, 2023, beginning with a social hour at 4:00 pm. Dinner, catered by Amy Forest of In Good Taste Catering, will be served at 5:00 p.m. by the Girl Scout Troop #32191 and adviser, Ashley Skinner. The cost will be $20.00 per person paid in advance.
The social hour will offer beverages and a charcuterie service of assorted cheeses, veggies, and crackers. The meal will include brown sugar glazed spiral sliced ham, au gratin potatoes, green beans almondine, rolls, butter, and assorted small bite desserts. Beverages of water, tea and coffee will be available. To ensure everyone can have a comfortable dining experience, we have a reservation limit of 60 people. The dinner is not limited to CCHS members. Feel free to invite your friends! Call the Museum, 937-653-6721, Mon – Fri 10-4 and Sat 10-2 to reserve your spot. (Reservations are not final until the money has been received.) Holiday music, flickering candles, delicious food – who could ask for more! During the recent Antique Appraisal Fair at the Champaign County Historical Museum prizes were awarded for the “Most Unusual” and the “Most Valuable“ items submitted for appraisal.
The Champaign County Historical Society hosted a Picnic on the Lawn on August 28th. Attendees enjoyed summer breezes, live music, each other's company and a Sunday afternoon lunch of chicken salad on a croissant, baked beans, cookies, iced tea and lemonade catered by In Good Taste Catering. Pictures from the event are below. Click here to see our upcoming events!
Michael and his wife Jane moved to Urbana in the mid-seventies for Michael to serve as an artist-in-residence for the college and county schools. Their intention was to stay one year before moving back to New York where he felt he needed to be for his art career. They fell in love with the people and environment of Champaign County including Urbana’s architecture and Urbana College. After finding and purchasing an abandoned church to renovate for a home and art studio they committed to stay on here.
Major studied art at the Dayton Art Institute from the sixth grade through his senior year of high school, has a BS, Summa Cum Laude from Ohio University and an MFA from Pratt Institute, New York. He founded Main Graphics in 1988 in part to publish books of drawings and after thirty-three years sold the company recently to Boldman Printing. He continues to spend most of his time at his art studio at 119 Miami Street along with the Champaign County Arts Council and Architect daughter Sarah Mackert. By Rob Pollock, Volunteer with the Champaign County Historical Society. “What is it worth?” Do you have an old object, an antique or a family heirloom that you want to know more about? We may have a solution for you. The Champaign County Historical Museum is hosting an Antiques Appraisal Fair between 6 and 9 p.m. on Wednesday, May 19. The event is one of two fundraisers that help support museum operations. Freshwater Farms of Ohio and the Historical Society are sponsoring this event. Advance tickets are $20 each and available at local Urbana banks, the Chamber of Commerce and at the museum located at 809 East Lawn Ave., Urbana. Tickets may also be purchased on the evening of the event for $25 each. For the price of admission guests will receive a verbal appraisal for one item from one of the appraisers. (Current CCHS members may have two objects appraised). In addition, there will be a complementary wine and cheese bistro hosted by Freshwater Farms of Ohio.
The other appraisers will be featured in an upcoming article.
The Historical Museum hopes you will participate in this event and help support our operations. |
Champaign County Historical Society Board PresidentTerry Koster Archives
December 2024